January 23, 2023

Auto Insurance BrokerInsurance Brokers Group adds additional Carriers and State

St. Charles, MO (November 16, 2015) – Insurance Brokers Group announced today the expansion of their family of insurance carriers with the addition of Liberty Mutual Insurance. Liberty Mutual is an American diversified global insurer, and the second-largest property and casualty insurer in the United States. It ranks 76th on the Fortune 100 list of the largest corporations in the United States based on 2013 revenue.

Additionally, Insurance Brokers Group has expanded its service into Oregon, making this the 9th state from coast to coast they are licensed in. This announcement makes it clear that Insurance Brokers Group is committed to growth…

About Insurance Brokers Group

Insurance Brokers Group is owned by John Espenschied. Mr. Espenschied has enjoyed working in the insurance industry for the past 16 years as an agency owner; both as a captive and independent agent. Currently licensed in 9 states from California to Florida, including MO and IL. “Having relationships with insurance companies around the country and being an independent broker offers our clients a diverse portfolio of insurance carriers.”

You can find out more from their website: https://insurancebrokersgroup.com

For online insurance quotes, click HERE

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John Espenschied is a long-time veteran of the insurance industry. He's worked with thousands of clients over the years, helping to protect their personal and business needs. John's goal is to provide the best advice possible to assist customers in saving money while protecting their property and securing their financial future.
He truly enjoys helping others and takes great satisfaction in providing top-notch customer service. When he's not working, John has fun spending time with his family, golfing, bike riding, and blogging on insurance topics.